Ros Hawley
Workshop i improvisation, Stockholm 7-8 november 2019

Musikalliansen har tidigare samarbetat med Ros Hawley (Manchester) i projekten med konstnärligt skapande med och för barn med funktionsvariationer. Denna höst kommer Ros tillbaka till Stockholm för att arbeta med musiker i en improvisationsworkshop.

Workshopen vänder sig till dig som mestadels spelar efter noter, inte till vana improvisatörer. Du ska vara anställd i Musikalliansen eller vara yrkesverksam frilansmusiker. Skicka med ett kort CV i din anmälan.

Workshopen sker på engelska, men den mesta kommunikationen sker genom instrumenten. Så här skriver Ros om workshopen:

In this workshop we will develop techniques of improvisation that enable confident and creative music making and expressive musical interaction.  Through a series of exercises and reflections we will explore how to build improvisations from simple sounds and musical patterns, using instruments, voices and bodies.  We will develop ways to increase creative flexibility using our own instruments and bodies to communicate and interact in music and develop techniques which will be valuable in enriching music making with fellow musicians in a range of performances and workshop situations.  These skills are valuable to working not only in performance but in community settings with non-verbal groups such as with children with special needs and elderly people with dementia.

Learning to improvise in this way means that musicians can be confident to use the smallest of reactions to develop musical creativity and expression: breath, gestures and vocalisations can become the starting points of creativity as musicians use their creative abilities to make music ‘in the moment’. At the end of the workshop musicians will have developed confidence in being able to be responsive using their own instruments, bodies and voices, and be able to create musical improvisations that build listening, performing and reflective skills.

NÄR: 7 - 8 november 2019 klockan 10.00 - 16.00

VAR: Teaterstudio Lederman, Gästrikegatan 13 Stockholm T-bana S:t Eriksplan

Kursen är kostnadsfri!

Arrangör: Musikalliansen

Anmälan görs senast den 15 oktober till